Information for Parents
School assembly is held every second Thursday from 2.15pm. Parents are welcome to attend.
New pupils are welcomed to Rosebank School at their first assembly.
Each class presents an assembly item once a year and the dates of the items are advised.
If your child is going to be absent from school, please contact the school office by 9.00am via:
Phone 03 4181090 and leave a message
Text 027 6618890
Or use the Skool Loop app
Please state the reason for your child's absence. This is a requirement from the Ministry of Education.
If your child is arriving late or needs to leave at some stage during the day, please come to the school office and sign the Leave Register.
Bikes and Scooters
All children who cycle or scooter to school must wear their helmet, and walk their cycle/scooter into the school grounds before and after school.
Bikes and scooters are prohibited in the staff car park at all times.
We ask parents to please ensure that your children are capable and competent riders before you allow them to bike/scooter to school.
Bus Students
If your child will be travelling to school by bus please phone Ritchie's on 03 4183005.
Please inform the school office before 2.00pm if there are any changes to the normal arrangements for bus students.
All bus students must wear a high visibility vest.
Cell Phones
If it is necessary for a pupil to bring a cellphone to school so they can be contacted after school it must be handed in to their teacher at the beginning of school and collected at the end of the school day. Students are not permitted to have cell phones at school. If a cellphone is used during school hours it will be removed and will not be returned until the end of the school day.
Concerns and Complaints
Home and School
All parents are invited to join the Home and School which provides a link between the school and the community. The Home and School are involved in fundraising, community and social activities within the school. The Home and School usually meet on the first Monday of the month in the Staff Room unless otherwise advertised in the newsletter.
The Rosebank School Library has over 6000 books and resources available for students to borrow. Classes visit the library each week and library books are able to be borrowed for a 2 week period. The library is open at lunch time for quiet reading during Terms 2 and 3.
Lost Property
There is a lost property table at the entrance to the Library where unnamed clothing is placed for the term. At the end of each term all unclaimed clothing is disposed of. It is essential that all belongings are named.
No valuable or personal possessions should be brought to school. Money should be given to the teacher for safekeeping.
A pie warmer is available once a week to heat lunches during Term 2 and 3. Lunches must be wrapped in foil and named clearly with your child's name and room number. No frozen items. They will be collected from classrooms at 8.55am and returned to each class at lunchtime. The timetable is shown in the newsletter weekly during both terms. Food must be wrapped in foil, labelled with the child’s first name, last name and room number. If a child brings food to be heated on a different day than what is expected, their food will not be collected, as the collectors will not be in their part of the school that day.
Saveloy Friday: Home and School run Saveloy Fridays during terms 2 and 3.
Allergies: We have pupils with various allergies attending school so it is important that students do not swap or share lunches.
Newsletters and Notices
Newsletters keeping families informed of school events are emailed weekly. Notices about trips, visits and other activities relating to specific events are also emailed out. Newsletters and school-wide notices can also be found on the school website's news page, on the SkoolLoop app, and on our Facebook page. If you are unable to access the weekly newsletter online you are welcome to use a computer in the library.
Parental Assistance
We encourage parents to help in our school. Notices about activities will invite parents to offer their assistance in a variety of ways such as:
Sports coaching and managing
Craft and cultural activities
Camp parents
Classroom programmes
Developmental activities
We appreciate any assistance our parents/caregiver/grandparents etc can offer. Please speak to your child's teacher if you would like to know more about helping out in the school.
All volunteers are required to undergo a police vet check.
Parent Concerns
Parents are welcome at all times to contact the school to arrange an appointment to discuss matters of concern. In most cases discussion with your child's teacher is all that is required. If you are still concerned then the Principal will discuss your concerns with you.
Payment of Accounts
All invoiced fees (camp, sports, etc) should be deposited to the following account:
Rosebank School Activities account - 02 0918 0020339 01
We strongly encourage all school accounts be paid via internet banking using the child's first name and surname as a reference.
Phone Numbers and Parent Contacts
Please advise the school of any changes of address, phone number or parent contact. It is vital that we have up to date records in case of emergencies.
Reporting to Parents
We aim to inform parents of their child's progress and achievement throughout the year.
Two parent-teacher interviews will take place each year and will be an honest appraisal of children's progress and achievement.
February/March – all parents will be given an opportunity to see teachers and exchange ideas about their child.
July/August – all parents will be given an opportunity to see teachers regarding their child's progress and achievements.
All reporting will identify positive attitudes and developments and will identify shortcomings in terms of solutions to be implemented.
December – a written report will be sent home and there will be an opportunity for teachers/parents to discuss these if required.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss pupils progress and welfare at any time.
Road Patrol
The school operates a Road Patrol on the pedestrian crossing outside the school. Road Patrol operates from 8.35am - 8.50am and 2.55pm - 3.15pm. Please ensure that your children use this pedestrian crossing when crossing the street.
School Hours
8.25am Siren sounds – students may enter the school grounds
8.35 - 8.50am Road Patrol
8.55am School starts
8.55 - 10.15am Block One
10.15 - 10.45am Interval
10.45 - 12.45pm Block Two
12.45 - 1.30pm Lunch Break
1.30pm - 3.00pm Block Three
3.00 - 3.15pm Buses depart; Road Patrol operates
3.15pm Grounds should be clear of student
School Stationery
2024 Stationery Lists are here or you pick up a printed copy from the school office. It is expected that stationery is purchased prior to starting school and before the start of each academic year.
Teacher Release
As part of the teachers employment contracts they are entitled to a regular period of release time.
Technology is part of the school curriculum for Year 7 and 8 pupils. Our Year 7 and 8 pupils attend the Technology Education Centre at South Otago High School once a week.